Skip Navigation Links  e-admit card of Test Month 1/2025 will be available to download from 6 february 2025 onwards. Please follow the instructions that mention on it.




Applying Online :

(a) Hartron conduct SETC for existing/newly recruited regular Clerks, Steno-typists, Jr scale stenographers, Sr scale stenographers and contractual Data Entry Operators/Clerks of Government Departments/Boards/Corporations/Agencies etc of Haryana Government only.

(b) Applicant is required to apply online through HARTRON Website in English only. No other means/mode of submission of applications including manual/paper will be accepted under any circumstances.

(c) Applicant is required to have a valid personal active E-mail ID. In case an applicant does not have a valid personal E-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new E-mail ID before applying online. It should be kept active during the entire process.  

 (d) Before applying online, applicant must have a scanned copy of recent passport size photograph , and signature. Size of the scanned photograph and signature should be less than 100kb. the scanned photograph/signature must be in .jpg or .gif format only.

(e) Applicant should fill up all required information in the online form correctly. Every application will be allotted a unique Registration Number.  Applicant will see his/her application form  summary when click on save & preview button .  Before submission of fee, applicant should check his/her all details and make necessary corrections, under option Edit/Update . After ensuring the correctness of  the particulars of the application form, applicant is required to pay fee of Rs 590/-(five hundred ninety Rupees) for not-exempted applicant and  Rs 354(three hundred fifty four) for exempted applicant plus Bank Charges*  through the payment gateway integrated with application, The following instructions available on the screen.

*Bank charges: debit card NIL, Credit card NIL , internet banking Ranging between Rs. 10 to 12/-(Approx).

(f) No editing allowed after making payment.

(g) Fee at any stage is not refundable.

(h) The Preferred Place of Test of the candidate will only be allowed subject to availablity of lab/seat.

(i) Benchmark Disable candidates(disability more than or equal to fourty percentage) must submit the Disability Certificate at the time of test. In case his/her fails to submit Disability certificate then application form will be rejeced straight away.


  In case of payment failure, the applicant can pay the fee using Pay Fee option. This option will only be available till the last date of submission of application.

 In case applicant paid the fee and the same does not reflect as paid fee, then it will take minimum 3 working days to confirm the payment.


 If the applicant is unable to get the printout of the application form after successfully completing the Fee process then applicant can re-print the Application Form using  Registration No. and Date of Birth. This option will be available till the last date of submission of application.


(1)     Do not send the Application Form printout by post/courier or any other source. Please bring the Application Form printout with signature & stamp of competent authority, original valid office ID/Certificate issued from the office in proof of employment, Aadhar Card , original Identity Proof alongwith original  relevant certificates & photocopies at the time of test.

(2)     If the Signature/Photograph of the Applicant did not match at the time of test then the form will be rejected straight away.

(3)     In case the applicant fails to deposit the fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled/ rejected and shall not be considered for further processing.

(4)     No individual communication will be sent to the applicants regarding the Date of Test.

(5)  Rescheduling of Exam date & Time will not be done under any circumstances.

(6)  The application system is not checking your eligibility while submission. Hence you are required to ensure your eligibility w.r.t our notifications/letters before applying. mere submission of application will not guarantee the candidature for  further process

It shall be responsibility of the Applicant to visit the HARTRON website regularly for important notifications.